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Disability Income

Disability insurance provides income in the event a employee is unable to work and earn living. There are many types of insurance, and each organization and disability insurance type have specific rules as to what is considered a disability. Short-term disability insurance policies offer a worker a portion of their salary if they are unable to work for a short period typically ranging from three to six months.
Long term disability insurance offers a worker portion of their salary if they are unable to work for a longer period usually over six months. Both short term and long term disability policies have a period for which a person must be disabled before that individual is able to start receiving disability benefits. That period of time is called an elimination period. If a person becomes disabled, they must wait until the elimination period is over before the start receiving benefits.

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Prestige Consultant Group (PCG) Is a Company built on conservative principles, and dedicated to excellent services. PCG is a full-service insurance agency and works to inform and educate families on financial decisions that allow them to achieve their financial goals. This is achieved through operating on a set of unwavering values and principles to create and maintain trust between the PCG team and the communities it serves. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience, and each team member has extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of insurance.